

Drupal CLI: Drush and Drupal Console – WebWash

Drupal Console and Drush are two command line (CLI) tools built for Drupal. For a long time Drush was the only CLI tool and it was very useful for managing Drupal sites. Common tasks you’d do with Drush are rebuild caching, installing sites, import/export configuration and so much more.Then Drupal Console came onto the scene and offered other goodies such as the ability to generate boilerplate code, which Drush 9 can now do as well. People often ask “Can you run Drush and Drupal Console together” and the answer is yes, I personally use both. If you install Drupal using drupal-composer/drupal-project then you get both Drush and DrupalIn the video above, you’ll learn how to use Drush and Drupal Console.

Source: Drupal CLI: Drush and Drupal Console – WebWash