
EMAIL: Drupal 6 in the year 2022 (and what’s coming for Drupal 7)

When we originally announced that we’d be providing Drupal 6 Long-Term Support, we committed to supporting our customers until at least February 2017.

Each year in the spring, we’ve taken a look at the state of Drupal 6 and decided whether we’ll extend support for another year, and if we need to make any changes to our offering. Here’s the articles from 20162017, and 2018 where we announced an additional year each time and any new concerns (for example, PHP 7 support).

Today, we’re announcing that we’ll be extending our Drupal 6 Long-Term Support two more years until at least February 2022!

I’m sure there will come a time, when it no longer makes business sense to pour resources into Drupal 6 for the few remaining sites, however, it’s already clear to us that there’s enough demand for a couple more years.

Also, now that we know when Drupal 7 will reach it’s End-of-Life, we’ve started to plan for that, and decided that we’d like D6LTS to last at least until then (which is why we’re announcing an additional 2 years this time, rather than just 1).

Regarding Drupal 7: we’ve officially applied to be a Drupal 7 Extended Support vendor and have been accepted. 🙂

Read on to find out more!