DrupalCon2019 is heading to Seattle this year and there’s no shortage of exciting sessions and great networking events on this year’s schedule. We can’t wait to hear from some of the experts out in the Drupalverse next week, and we wanted to share with you a few of the sessions we’re most excited about.

Adam is looking forward to:
Government Summit on Monday, April 8th
“I’m looking forward to hearing what other digital offices are doing to improve constituents’ interactions with government so that we can bring some of their insights to the work our agencies are doing. I’m also excited to present on some of the civic tech projects we have been doing at MassGovDigital so that we can get feedback and new ideas from our peers.”
Bryan is looking forward to:
1. Introduction to Decoupled Drupal with Gatsby and React
Time: Wednesday, April 10th from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm
Room: 6B | Level 6
“We’re using Gatsby and React today on to power Search.mass.gov and the state’s budget website, and Drupal for Mass.gov. Can’t wait to learn about Decoupled Drupal with Gatsby. I wonder if this could be the right recipe to help us make the leap!”
2. Why Will JSON API go into Core?
Time: Wednesday, April 10th from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Room: 612 | Level 6
“Making data available in machine-readable formats via web services is critical to open data and to publish-once / single-source-of-truth editorial workflows. I’m grateful to Wim Leers and Mateu Aguilo Bosch for their important thought leadership and contributions in this space, and eager to learn how Mass.gov can best maximize our use of JSON API moving forward.”
I (Julia) am looking forward to:
1. Personalizing the Teach for America applicant journey
Time: Wednesday, April 10th from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Room: 607 | Level 6
“I am really interested in learning from Teach for America on how they implemented personalization and integrated across applications to bring applicants a consistent look, feel, and experience when applying for a Teach for America position. We have created Mayflower, Massachusetts government’s design system, and we want to learn what a single sign-on for different government services might look like and how we might use personalization to improve the experience constituents have when interacting with Massachusetts government digitally. ”
Time: Wednesday, April 10th from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Room: 612 | Level 6
“I’m hoping to hear if Chris Strahl has any ‘best-practices’ and ways for project managers to leverage the unique multi-skill abilities that Devsigners and unicorns possess while continuing to encourage a balanced workload for their team. This balancing act could lead towards better development and design products for Massachusetts constituents and I’d love to make that happen with his advice!”
Melissa is looking forward to:
Time: Wednesday, April 10th from 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm
Room: 602–604 | Level 6
“Rob Bayliss and Kelly Albrecht will use a survey they released as well as some other important approaches to elaborate on why DevOps is so crucial to technological strategy. I took the survey back in November of 2018, and I want to see what those results from the survey. This presentation will help me identify if any changes should be made in our process to better serve constituents from these results.”
2. Advanced Automated Visual Testing
Time: Thursday, April 11th from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Room: 608 | Level 6
“In this session Shweta Sharma will speak to what visual testings tools are currently out there and a comparison of the tools. I am excited to gain more insight into the automated visual testing in faster and quicker releases so we can identify any gotchas and improve our releases for Mass.gov users.
P.S. Watch a presentation I gave at this year’s NerdSummit in Boston, and stay tuned for a blog post on some automation tools we used at MassGovDigital coming out soon!”
Lastly, we really hope to see you at our presentations:
- “How to write for your users (developing: content strategy, information architecture)” — Adam Cogbill @ Government Summit on Monday, April 8th at 1:00 pm
- “The journey users go on when they navigate your content (usability)” — Julia Gutierrez @ Government Summit on Monday, April 8th at 1:45 pm
- “Mass.gov: A Guide to Data-Informed Content Optimization.” — Julia Gutierrez and Mediacurrent on Thursday, April 11th at 11:30 am in Room 611
- “Inside Drush 9” — Moshe Weitzman and Greg Anderson, an Open Source Contributions Engineer at Pantheon, on Thursday, April 11th at 1:45 pm Room 6C
We hope to see old friends and make new ones at DrupalCon2019, so be sure to say hi to Bryan, Adam, Melissa, Lisa, Moshe, or me when you see us. We will be at booth 321 (across from the VIP lounge) on Thursday giving interviews and chatting about technology in Massachusetts, we hope you’ll stop by!
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Our DrupalCon 2019 Can’t-Miss Sessions was originally published in Massachusetts Digital Service on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.