

Mediacurrent: What’s New in Rain 3.0

Mediacurrent's Rain Install Profile logo

Mediacurrent created the Rain Install Profile to build fast, consistent Drupal websites and improve the editorial experience. Rain expedites website creation, configuration, and deployment.

The Mediacurrent development team is pleased to announce some new updates to the Rain distribution in version 3.0. We have now made Drupal project template easier to use and maintain by splitting Rain content features (all of which are optional) from the main “base” package. This allows developers flexibility in which features they use while still pre-configuring modules that jump-start development.

There are some key changes that we will highlight here:

  1. The Rain package has now been split and renamed to mediacurrent/rain and mediacurrent/rain_features respectively. The latter repository now contains all the optional content features and their dependencies while the base package pre-configures the base installation.
  2. An UPDATE doc has been added to the Rain repository which explains in detail how to update from the 2x branch to 3x. This document will be kept up to date with any future changes that require manual changes or explanation.
  3. A few new dependencies have been added while several less frequently used dependencies have been removed. The UPDATE doc gives further details on what was added or removed and how to upgrade.

Note that the Drupal-project template is only used for provisioning new projects. Any project that currently uses the 2x version of the Rain distribution will not break or be forced to update. Updates to 2x will continue through to Drupal core 8.8 but then be sunset in favor of the 3x branch. Overall the process of updating from 2x to 3x should be relatively painless. 

If you experience any problems updating please file an issue in the official Rain project queue on

Installing Rain 3.0

To install the Rain distribution, we recommend you leverage our Drupal project template which includes a VM and Guardr security along with the Rain install profile and other tools.

Our recent article entitled “Drupal 8 Rain & GatsbyJS Integration” covered how to install Rain using the project template so we will recap the first step here which remains the same in version 3.0.

First you will want to create a repository wherever you typically host your Git projects (i.e. Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab). Once you have that setup you can clone Mediacurrent’s repo and point the origin back to your Git repo.


git remote set-url origin

Next, you will want to initialize the project. You can do that by running the following commands with your local host name and IP.


composer install

composer drupal-scaffold

./scripts/hobson project:init example.mcdev

Finally, to build the project and run the install you can simply run “./scripts/” which runs composer install as well as the Drupal install. Note that the project README has more detailed instructions but this will give you an idea how to get up and running quickly.

Video Tutorial for Installing Rain