

Jacob Rockowitz: Webform Open Collective Office Hours

In my post, Drupal is frustrating, I stated that enterprise websites need, want, and are willing to pay for better support options when using Open Source software. Organizations have reached out to me as a Webform module subject matter expert (SME) seeking to start a 1-to-1 support relationship. Occasionally, these relationships result in a sponsored feature request. Sometimes organizations want to ask me a simple question or at least know that I am available to answer questions. In the past, I shied away from the idea of setting up regular office hours because it would be an unpaid commitment of my time during business hours. Fortunately, with the existing funds collected by the Webform module’s Open Collective, I feel that now is a good time to experiment and set up some initial office hours for the Webform module.

About office hours

The goal of office hours is to make it easier for me to help people and organizations with questions and issues related to the Webform module for Drupal 8 as well as to assist current and future Webform module contributors.

Sponsor office hours

Sponsor office hours are intended to help backers of the Webform module’s Open Collective with any Webform related questions or challenges. These office hours will be strictly for monthly sponsors and backers of the Webform module’s Open Collective.

Add-ons office hours

Add-ons office hours are for anyone in the Drupal community building Webform add-ons and extensions that are being contributed back to the open source community. The goal of these hours is to help support and improve the quality of the projects and community around the Webform module.

Office hour guidelines

I’ve been…Read More