

Mediacurrent: Mediacurrent Rain Installation Tutorial

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Mediacurrent created the Rain Install Profile to build fast, consistent Drupal websites and improve the editorial experience. Rain expedites website creation, configuration, and deployment.


The Mediacurrent development team uses a Composer project template that extends the official Drupal Composer template to add Rain projects as well as additional tools and scripts.

Our template by default leverages a fork of DrupalVM which will provision the local environment. Note that Docker-based environments such as Lando or DDEV could be used as an alternative to Vagrant.

In this tutorial, we will walk through each step to get you up and running quickly. Below, you can also watch a narrated tutorial video to see these steps in action.

Installation instructions

First, you will want to create a repository wherever you typically host your Git projects (e.g. Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab). Once you have that setup you can clone Mediacurrent’s repo and point the origin back to your Git repo. The example command below illustrates how this is done.


git remote set-url origin

Next, you will want to initialize the project. You can do that by running the following commands with your local host name and IP (see example below).


composer install

composer drupal-scaffold

./scripts/hobson project:init example.mcdev

Finally, to build the project and run the install you can simply run the following build command to execute the composer install and Drupal install:


Note that this command does require Mediacurent’s Vagrant environment in order to work. If you are using an alternative local environment you would run composer install, followed by the drush site install command instead of running the build script.

Once you get a full install working with the sample profile that’s been provided you will want to follow the project README documentation for further setup instructions. Remember to commit all of your files and push up to your Git’s origin. That’s it!

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