

MidCamp – Midwest Drupal Camp: MidCamp 2020 needs you, (and your clients)!

MidCamp 2020 needs you, (and your clients)!

The 2019 US Drupal Camp season is coming to a close (but don’t forget about UtahDrupalCorn, and NEDCamp) and that means MidCamp 2020 is just a few months away! We are happy to announce our full sponsor prospectus is now available.

This year we’ve rearranged our levels a little. Here’s the tl;dr:

  • ONLY Core sponsors get a table, only 8 are available.
  • Contribution Day is a big deal, so we’re making it a big level.
  • Special Recognition is an add-on level that’s available to Core, Contribution Day, and Supporting sponsors. That’s how you can put your name on the part of camp that’s special to you.
  • Community Sponsors! More on that below.

We’ve worked hard to make the sponsor levels easier to understand this year, so take a look at the full details and please reach out if you’d like to know more.

Pitch to your clients…

MidCamp has traditionally targeted larger Drupal agencies and service providers, but this year we’re reaching further to ensure that all Drupal users are able to be represented. Our Community Sponsor level is meant to be accessible for clients of our agencies or hosting providers, organizations that have small in-house shops, and other Drupal-interested parties who have not previously been able to financially support the community, but would like to get involved and spread the word.

We want your help. If you have end-users who are interested in learning more and supporting Drupal, we’d love for them to get more invested in the community, so here’s our pitch (there’s even an enterprise-friendly PDF).

Upcoming Milestones

  • November 2019 – Call for papers & ticket sales.
  • Wednesday, March 18, 2020 – Training & Summits
  • Thursday, March 19th, 2020 – Sessions and Social
  • Friday, March 20th, 2020 – Sessions and Social
  • Saturday, March 21th, 2020 – Contribution Day