About the Webform module
The Webform module is a form builder and submission manager for Drupal. The Webform module allows site builders to customize forms and route submissions to multiple systems, including email, remote servers, and spreadsheets.
About the Group module
The Group module allows site builders to create arbitrary collections of content and users on a site and then grant users access to these collections. The Group module allows sites to build communities and manage their organization by creating groups of users with various levels of membership.
The Webform module for Drupal 8 does not fully integrate with the Group module. In Drupal 8, webforms are configuration entities, however, the Group module currently only supports content entities. To learn more about this issue, see Issue #2856333: Webform as group content.
Webforms can be attached to nodes, which are content entities which are supported by the Group module. This approach only provides access controls to determine which group members can simply view and submit a webform. It does not provide webform submission and element level access controls.
For example, a group could have a dedicated event registration system with a dedicated registration webform. A group administrator can control who has access to the event registration webform but there is no mechanism to allow group-specific roles to view, manage, and delete event registrations.
Provide webform submission and element level access controls to webforms attached to nodes.
Existing access controls
The Webform module already provides roles, user, and permission level access controls to webforms,…Read More