Description WebRTC, a protocol that facilitates peer-to-peer communication between two clients via the browser, is now supported by all modern browsers. Since its introduction it has mainly been used for web conferencing solutions, but WebRTC is ideal for a variety of other use cases as well. Because of its wide platform support, creating peer-to-peer applications for the web is now more straightforward than ever. But how do you manage many people working together at the same time on the same data? After all, conflict resolution for peer-to-peer applications remains a challenging problem. Fortunately, with Yjs, an open-source framework for real-time collaboration, developers can now combine WebRTC and Yjs to open the floodgates to a range of future-ready collaborative use cases. Thanks to WebRTC and Yjs, anyone can build collaborative editing into their web application, and this includes more than just text Yjs enables collaborative drawing, drafting, and other innovative use cases. The advantage of such a peer-to-peer model (in lieu of a client–server model) in the CMS world is that collaborative editing can be added to any editorial interface without significant overhead or a central server handling conflict resolution. By integrating with y-webrtc, the Yjs connector for WebRTC, CMS communities…
Wed, 01/22/2020 – 08:25