On Tuesday, July 7, Agaric will host 3 free online webinars about Drupal 9. We invite the community to join us to learn more about the latest version of our favorite CMS. We will leave time at the end of each presentation for questions from the audience. All webinars will be presented online via Zoom. Fill out the form at the end of the post to reserve your seat. We look forward to seeing you.
Getting started Drupal 9
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Eastern Time (EDT)
This webinar will cover basic site building concepts. You will learn what is a node and how they differ from content types. We are going to explain why fields are so useful for structuring your site’s content and the benefits of doing this. We will cover how to use Views to create listing of content. Layout builder, blocks, taxonomies, and the user permissions system will also be explained.
Introduction to Drupal 9 migrations
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 AM Eastern Time (EDT)
This webinar will present an overview of the Drupal migrations system. You will learn about how the Migrate API works and what assumptions it makes. We will explain the syntax to write migrations how different source, process, and destinations plugins work. Recommended migration workflows and debugging tips will also be presented. No previous experience with the Migrate API nor PHP is required to attend.
Drupal 9 upgrades: how and when to move your Drupal 7 sites?
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Time (EDT)
This webinar will present different tools and workflows to upgrade your Drupal 7 site to Drupal 9. We will run through what things to consider when planning an upgrade. This will include how to make site architecture changes, modules that do not have D9 counterparts, what to do when there are no automated upgrade paths.
Agaric is also offering full-day trainings for these topics later this month. Dates, prices, and registration options is available at https://agaric.coop/training