https://www.drupal.org/project/seo_checklist The Checklist API module is required: https://www.drupal.org/project/checklistapi
Credits & Thanks
Thank you to Travis Carden (TravisCarden on Drupal.org) for helping Volacci create and maintain the SEO Checklist module. Travis also created the required Checklist API module.
About the SEO Checklist Module
The SEO Checklist module uses Drupal SEO best practices to check your website for proper search engine optimization.
The SEO Checklist module and the original book from which this guide is based upon, were designed to work together. While the SEO Checklist module tells you what to do, the book (and this guide) tells you how to do it. Over the course of this guide, we go through the SEO Checklist module one task at…
Read the full article: Drupal SEO Checklist Module: How to Install, Configure and Use