

Mediacurrent: Introducing Rain Layout Builder

Rain logo updated

The best open source distribution for Drupal just got better! The latest version of Rain University and Rain CMS now ship with Layout Builder pre-configured to make page building faster and easier. So how does it work? Check out below!

Editing Layouts

Now, when you navigate to any page with layout builder enabled you can edit the layout by clicking on the “Layout tab” under Tasks. Alternatively, you can click on the same tab while editing a page.

Rain editor experience with layout builder
Rain CMS homepage


Rearranging Blocks

With layout builder you have an instant preview of any blocks added to the page. That being said, it’s usually easier to move blocks around with preview turned off. Drupal provides a checkbox that makes it simple to toggle preview on or off.

Rain CMS, rearranging content blocks


Rearranging blocks in Rain CMS

Adding Blocks

To add a block to the page click the “Add block” link in any section. Rain CMS ships with 15 block types out of the box that you can easily drop onto the page. Each component has a preview wireframe and label to help the author understand the look and function of each component. 

Rain add block

Adding blocks in Rain CMS

Layout Controls

One of the big benefits of Layout Builder is now you have more control over the layout of a page. Editors can easily add new sections with various layouts where blocks can be placed. Layouts can be customized per project.

adding sections in Rain CMS

Adding sections in Rain CMS

Rain University CMS

The Mediacurrent team has also updated our RainU CMS to ship with Layout Builder. Same great experience, but tailored specifically for universities.

Rain University homepage

Rain University homepage layout


Want to Know More?

For developers, you can download and install Rain CMS with Layout Builder using our Drupal project template: Setup and installation remain the same, with detailed instructions provided in the project README file.

We are also happy to demo Rain University or Rain CMS for organizations interested in partnering with Mediacurrent for your next redesign project. To schedule a free demo, please visit our contact page or chat with us right now (see bottom right corner of the page).