

Jacob Rockowitz: To all the backers of the Webform module’s Open Collective, THANK YOU!

In January 2019, the Webform module for Drupal joined Open Collective. In a recent blog post, I shared my thoughts around sustainability, why I felt starting an Open Collective was important, and my hopes on how to spend the collected fund. For DrupalCon Seattle, we were able to raise money to pay for a Webform logo and tee-shirts, but I’ve struggled to decide how to spend the funds. I felt guilty about using funds to pay for my time, mainly because my day job was partially sponsoring/supporting my contribution to the Drupal community.

After paying for logo design and tee-shirts, I decided to help support the Drupal Association in their time of need and donate $4000 of the Webform module’s Open Collective funds to the DrupalCares campaign.

Many things have changed during the pandemic. As many people know, my day job is no longer using Drupal. This change led me to question if and how I should continue to maintain the Webform module. My struggle with this question made my commitment to Drupal wane and I started to burn out, which led me to write about my predicament. The Drupal community was extremely empathetic, both publicly and privately, to my situation. With every blog post and change to the Webform module’s project page, issue queue, and UI, more people started to…Read More

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