We are excited to announce the creation of Palantir.net’s Fellowship program, a wonderful opportunity for us to provide qualifying candidates with the chance to attend DrupalEasy’s Drupal Career Online (DCO). The first two fellowships will be awarded for the Fall 2021 session, and the second two will be awarded for the Spring 2022 session.
Fellowships At A Glance
- Award: Full scholarship to cover the cost of Drupal Career Online and need-based support stipends. Paid internship/junior developer position with Palantir.net, dependent upon level of expertise and capabilities upon graduation
- Eligibility: Available to candidates with diminished industry representation and/or who have been discriminated against and marginalized
- Requirements: All candidates must meet the background requirements, apply to, and be accepted to Drupal Career Online. Recipients must commit to a paid internship and/or junior staff position with Palantir.net
- Additional Perks: To celebrate your graduation, you’ll receive additional stipends, professional mentoring, and an opportunity to work here with us
Think this is the perfect fit for you? Check out the application process!
You can also read more about the fellowship program and how DCO provides its participants with a clear pathway towards a successful Drupal career.
Our fellowships were created to provide the foundational tools and vital resources necessary for each of our recipients to become successful professionals who will bring valuable and unique perspectives to the Drupal community.
As a company that believes in fostering, cultivating, and preserving diversity, equity, and inclusion makes us – and the world – a better place, this fellowship program is one part of our ongoing efforts to proactively identify and remove systemic barriers to equality.
Here at Palantir.net, we’re more than just a group of web professionals – we’re curious, independent thinkers with exceptional passion, initiative, and talent. And if you’re still curious about us, we invite you to learn more about our Culture, Team, and Work.
Or, better yet, reach out to me (Rachel Waddick) directly at marketing@palantir.net. As an extroverted communications person, I can guarantee that I’d love to hear from you!
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