

Drupal core announcements: Looking for a second Core Committer Team Facilitator

The core committer team is looking for a new provisional committer team facilitator to help coordinate Drupal core release process, team communication, decision-making, and meetings. The committer team facilitator does not need to have technical knowledge about Drupal core.

The core team facilitator role was created in 2019. Several community members have contributed to core committer team facilitation, with Donna Benjamin (kattekrab) initially jumping in and Shannon Vettes (svettes) sharing the responsibilities. Ultimately Pamela Barone (pameeela) formally took on the role in mid-2019 and still holds it now. These contributors have helped keep our release process, communications, and team decision-making sustainable. It’s been very helpful.

Now that there is more clarity around the role, we would like to bring another facilitator into the team to share the responsibilities. The person would start as a provisional core committer team facilitator alongside pameeela. The provisional phase of a maintainer role allows an interested contributor to see if the role works for them and the team. The needed time commitment is about 10-15 hours per month.

If you are interested, read more about the role responsibilities, and get in touch with the team!

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