Welcome to Talking Drupal. Today we are talking about DevPanel with Salim Lakhani.
- John – Nedcamp is going virtual!
- Tara – Made lots of bread
- Salim
- NYC Drupal camp talks / Devops summit
- Govcon talk
- Book Pandemic by AG Riddle
- Nic – Cannot use patches for Drupal 9 compatibility (more news soon)
- DevPanel elevator pitch
- How it works
- Hosting providers (AWS only at the moment)
- Adding other AWS services
- Billing structure
- Certifications
- Update process
- Is it open source
- Features
- Roadmap
- DevPanel is closed source but a Public Benefit Company – what that means
- Bread recipe
- Book
- Composer commands
- New England Drupal Camp
- Kubernetes
- Updating from Drupal 8
- Media current blog on patches and Drupal 9
- DevPanel
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Salim Lakhani – DevPanel.com @salimlakhani
Nic Laflin – www.nLighteneddevelopment.com @nicxvan John Picozzi – www.epam.com @johnpicozzi Tara King – @sparklingrobots
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