

Gábor Hojtsy: A whole new version of the open source “State of Drupal 9” slideshow, present it yourself!

Ten months ago I created the first version of “State of Drupal 9” and published it as an open source slideshow for anyone to review and present. It has been presented by myself and various other people since then. I kept it up to date and I got lots of feedback to improve it. Since we are closing in on the Drupal 9.0.0-beta1 release where milestone dates are better defined and the release itself is quite close, I decided to rework the whole slideshow with a more practical approach in mind focusing first on what happens to Drupal 7 and outlining the concrete practical upgrade paths for what people should do coming from Drupal 8.

I was slated to present this new version of it at DrupalCamp London, DevDays Ghent and DrupalCon Minneapolis (with Amber Himes Matz). Due to the ongoing pandemic I did not attend DrupalCamp London anymore and further events are being gradually cancelled or postponed. So I don’t know if I or someone else will have a chance to present this in person anytime soon. (Which I think is for the better of our health). However, you can still review the content yourself and present it virtually on a remote Drupal meetup or conference or at your virtual company meeting. I did present the slides for DrupalCamp London remotely myself and the camp made the recording kindly available:

I added plenty of speaker notes. You can present/review it from or fork it (even with a free registration) and replace the “About me” slide as well as the opening and closing thanks slide with your attribution. Please keep the rest of the attribution intact. Instructions are in the slides.

I’ll keep this version updated from now on and archived the old version with a note pointing to this.