Another successful day at Drupal North is now complete! This day was packed with sessions from all kinds of speakers, including our very own Jigar Mehta and Robert Ngo. Some great discussions were had amongst the Drupal community which was out in full force. Here are some of the ideas that we saw repeated throughout the day:
Content must be modular
Making your content modular allows you to easily plug it into any new type of channel. There’s no need for you to start from scratch just because you’re creating something for a different platform or user base. And, if you keep this content in a centralized hub, all users have access to the most accurate and up-to-date versions.
Plan out where you’re going in the initial design phase
Knowing where you’re going makes it that much easier to get there. You need to start with solid components so you don’t have to go back later on and make constant revisions. A detailed plan allows you to take advantage of UI Patterns that will save you time and headaches in the future.
More and more people actually know about Drupal
Years ago, many within the Drupal community would have to explain to people what Drupal, and even open-source was. This made the task of convincing them to switch to a Drupal site even harder. Now, executives and decision-makers will have often already heard of Drupal and just need to be convinced of what value YOU can bring to them.
Accessibility is key
The web is for everyone and that means your website needs to be accessible for everyone. It’s also important to maintain this accessibility; technology is always improving so just because your site was accessible when you launched it 3 years ago, doesn’t mean it is today. And when you conduct user tests, try and recruit diverse participants in order to get more inclusive results.
Drupalers love basketball!
To wrap up the day, conference attendees went to the after party to catch game 6 of the NBA Finals — GO RAPTORS!
Just one more day left of Drupal North and we hope you’ve been making the most of it! Make sure you’re following along with us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and check out the rest of our daily recaps on this blog.