

Centarro: Decoupled Days 2019

Decoupled Days 2019 last month, the third edition of the conference, was fantastic. I had the privilege to speak and attend last year, as well. The conference has quickly risen to be one of my favorite conference of the year.

Not familiar with Decoupled Days? Spawned in the “Hallway Track” of DrupalCon between its founders, the conference originated as Decoupled Drupal Days in 2017. Last year saw the phasing out of the word “Drupal” as the conference became focused on decoupling in general, not just Drupal. That is one reason it has quickly become a favorite event. It is an engineering and design conference. The act of decoupling in a system requires specific system design and presents engineering challenges. The organizers identify it as:

The only conference on the future of CMS, headless CMS, and decoupled CMS.