A search engine is a tool that enables users to find information on the World Wide Web. A search engine intends to get the requested information from the vast database available on the internet.
Every web application, by default, will contain a search feature in it. Search facilities are implemented in each website differently based on the requirement and nature of the application.
The Drupal Search Module helps the user search for specific content on the site. Search can be performed for both users and particular words. Under ‘Content,’ users will be able to search for words that are present in the default rendering of node content on the site, which would include the default display of any CCK (Content Construction Kit: it’s a module that allows users to create new content types and extend existing content types). It also allows users to add/modify/remove fields from these content types where these fields may be text, numbers, dates, images, computed values, references to other content, taxonomies, the location fields, etc., as well as comments. Navigating to the “users” tab of Search, we can see the registered users’ names on the site and their permissions and email addresses.