

Ny Media: New module available for handling media libraries (Imageshop)

New module available for handling media libraries (Imageshop)

Imageshop screenshot

February 22, 2021

Imageshop is a Cloud based Digital Asset Management system. It lets you store all your company’s images, videos and digital files easily and securely in an online image bank.

What can Imageshop do?

Imageshop is a secure image bank, where you can store and organise your images, videos, documents and graphics, making them easy to find for anyone you choose to grant access.

Drag & drop uploading and ultra-efficient image tagging means that they are always available when and wherever they are needed, in the right format and highest quality.


Banner Imageshop

About the integration

The module itself has been built to support Drupal out of the box. The main features are:

  • Uses Imageshop interface for searching, cropping and selecting media.
  • Support for image fields out of the box.
  • Support for Media library out of the box.
  • Support for CKEditor (through Media library) out of the box.
  • Easy installation / configuration.

More information about the Imageshop product can be found here.

You can download the module from here.

The module has been made in cooperation with Screentek, the company behind the Imageshop product. We feel that Drupal needs more good alternatives for media handling and this could just be the right option for you. Feel free to contact Imageshop and have a talk to them about Imageshop and how it can help you handle your media files across your company, channels and systems.