

Community posts: #DrupalMemorial

The last 18 months have been difficult for many in our global community. The global COVID-19 pandemic has taken loved ones from us too soon. Social and political upheaval around the world have fractured civil discourse, and set back the cause of civil rights. Economic uncertainty has affected our jobs and our prospects for the future. For some, the present crises have brought up memories of more distant loss.

In a year in which we have all experienced loss, remembrance and reflection helps us heal.

We encourage the Drupal community to share memories of lost friends, colleagues, family, and loved ones- whether that loss was recent or many years past. We encourage you to share and remember the good they brought to our lives.

We encourage you to share your words of hope for civil and societal change.

Whatever your words of hope and remembrance we encourage you to lift each other up.

How to share your words of remembrance:
The comments on this post have been opened, or you can use the hashtag #drupalmemorial on social media to tag your posts to the embedded memorial wall below

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