Today we are talking about Backdrop with Jen Lampton.
- Nic – Vacation
- April – need new shelves for Lego Harry Potter
- Jen – Heirloom tomatoes and too much rain
- John – Personal website / blog
- Backdrop CMS Elevator pitch
- Difference between Drupal and Backdrop
- Why choose Backdrop over Drupal
- Matt Glaman on twitter
- General challenges of growing a fork’s identity
- Challenges in being thrifty
- Biggest milestones in the last two years
- New core committers
- 7 releases with new features
- Layouts
- File browser
- Lazy loading images
- Config overrides
- Telemetry
- Backdrop Live events
- More listener questions (Matt Glaman)
- Contributor community
- Companies specializing in Backdrop
- Wider adoption as D7 approaches EoL
- Wider adoption as D9 approaches EoL
- Ease of migration from D7
- Easier than migrating D7 to D9
- More listener questions (Matt Glaman)
- Marketing challenges
- Anything that you would do differently after 6 years
- Philosophy
- Biggest upcoming features
- Telemetry
Jen Lampton – Jeneration Web Development @jenlampton
Nic Laflin – @nicxvan John Picozzi – @johnpicozzi April Sides – @weekbeforenext
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