

OpenSense Labs: Ready to Espouse OpenSource Campus Management?

Ready to Espouse OpenSource Campus Management?
Sun, 02/24/2019 – 17:04

Education is just like planting a seed. A seed that has different stages with significant and important roles. If any stage is missed in the entire scenario, it destroys the life cycle of the plant. 

It is not what is poured into a student that counts, but what is planted
-Linda Conway  

There is no secret to the fact that education has the power to change lives. For a successful career, every student needs to go through the learning stage of knowledge, confidence, academics and technical skills so that they can grow efficiently. A college education is one such element that contributes highly to these steps of learning. 

Therefore, to achieve these steps of knowledge, campus management software has been introduced. 

picture of a laptop which hjas book shelf in it. A degree in lying at the corner of the keyboard. A globe is lying beside the laptop.

OpenSource Campus Management solution is one such management software which has made lives easy for students, teachers, authorities and other people that follow down the chain. Such a system has brought standardization and steadiness within the organization. 

But what exactly is OpenCampus?

OpenCampus is a technical model that contributes highly to the outlook and the network of the universities. It was developed with the first open adoption solution of campus management in Drupal. 

OpenCampus is designed to cover the life cycle of students.

In Germany and Austria, more than 30 universities are using this software and it is highly contributing to their needs and requirements. 

Image that says OpenCampus in blue text with a circle logo that is on the left side of the text

With the help of OpenCampus software, you can manage everything. Starting from all the courses till recording achievements, the application does everything and is considered among the most versatile applications. It allows mapping of complex procedure which includes the allocation of the student into smaller classes in medical or dentistry programs. 

The Framework

The framework of OpenSource is based on the open source technology, Drupal, and it lets their customers create their own applications with a smooth integration of third-party products such as a moodle. 

Image of a blue platform where the text is OpenCampus framework on which threads are placed with social media logos

Features provided by OpenCampus

Features Benefits
Application and Admissions
  • Transparent and multi-staging application process.
  • Dynamic list of view.
  • Automatic e-mail notification
  • Smart forms
Course and Event Management
  • Parallel small groups.
  • Automation of complex course sequence 
  • Uploading of documents, term papers, and personal calendar
Exam Management and validation
  • Exam questions 
  • Written tests and online evaluation
  • Seating plans
Records of Achievements
  • Easy modifications following revision of the examination.
  • Automatic generation of course certificate
  • List of synopsis 
  • Evaluation via app
  • Flexible configuration
  • Automatic evaluation report 
Mobile apps and Platforms
  • Integration of students and faculty 
  • Forums and online discussions
  • Attendance

Application and Admission

The process involving applications as well as admissions have been made really simple with the help of OpenCampus. The software presents the applicants with a simple tool that uploads and manages all the necessary information in one single place. 

Course and Event Management 

OpenCampus software is one of the most powerful and flexible of its kind. The module handles simple seminars with the location, automates complex courses, appointment, and lecturer. It also supports multilevel architectures with multi-language pages and directs the budget control. 

Exam management

The software is an innovative web-based solution that grants users with extensive functionalities for creating a multi-level architecture of any exam. All the aspects of exam preparation are managed seamlessly with OpenCampus ( starting from an online mock test to the seating arrangement)

Records of Achievements 

OpenCampus performance management tells the whole study achievements of the students in a clear view. The data of the other modules such as “OpenCampus Exams” and “OpenCampus event management” are also stored in this location. Easy modifications in the revision of the examination, automatically generating course certificate and the listing of synopsis are some of the features that are offered under OpenCampus


Continuous and seamless evaluation is the key to ensure the quality of teaching and offers that are present by a university. The user can evaluate standardized courses and receive qualitative as well as quantitative feedback on different areas of teaching. The user can benefit from simple creation option of questionaries or reports as full integration of course management is done in the system. 

Mobile Application 

The OpenCampus software has special support which is “Room Management”. The users can manage their booking of event and laboratory rooms and their equipment. As the software is mobile responsive, it makes it even more efficient and handy. 

OpenCampus logo which has a two concentric circle that has a blue background and there are 14 corresponding pictures around it

The reason why customers choose OpenCampus 

Higher education institutes are bound with various responsibilities and data information that has to be managed accurately and in complete synchronization. OpenCampus here bags all the trophies by providing them with the administration of the students and faculty. There are also many reasons why OpenCampus is chosen by universities. Some of the reasons are:

  • It presents with unique processing mapping: OpenCampus is the only software that manages complex processes of the universities. 
  • It comes with comprehensive feature sets: OpenCampus software offers extensive functionalities and features to its customers. 
  • Open Adaptive System: OpenCampus is an adaptive system that has additional modules that can easily be added anytime on the openSource platform.
  • Established and Experienced: More than 25 universities are using OpenCampus that have at least 3,000 students. 

OpenCampus for Research Data Management System For Clinical Studies

Research institutes need to manage multiple studies with individual data sets, processing rules and different type of permissions. But there are no “official” or “standard” technology that presents an easy to use the environment to construct database and user interface for the clinical trials or the research studies. Thus, many software solutions were being used which were explicitly made for a specific study, to cost-intensive commercial Clinical Trial Management Systems (CTMS)

With OpenCampus Research, Open adoption software (OAS) solution provided the users with a standard environment for state-of-the-art research database management at a very low cost.

The architecture of the open adoption software (OAS) allows the user after a brief instruction to develop their own web-based data management system.

The implementation provided with the following features:

  • Basic Architecture

OpenCampus is basically three types: forms, trees, and containers. Any type of research project or clinical trial can always be mapped with this model and are fully configurable through the graphical user interface 

Image of a flow chart stating user, processes, trees, containers, and nodes
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information


  • Interoperability

There are many taxonomies that allow the user to classify content with terms gathered within the vocabularies. With the help of taxonomies, the field contents are able to store not just as text, but also as a reference that is linked to the predefined value.

  • Multicenter 

The approach of OpenCampus software works really well under this section. There is one single study administrator that assigns permissions to center coordinators. Center coordinators then independently distribute access and permissions to the data managers that are responsible for entering the data.

The multicenter concept can be extended with various additional features such as node state levels or individual data processing guidelines that ensure that certain quality management actions are executed during data processing

  • Meta-analysis

One core element of this data storage approach in the OpenCampus OAS concept is that it allows the nodes to get connected to each other. The link between these nodes is called entity reference. With the help of entity references, the data from many studies can be combined (merged), enabling meta-analysis to be executed just by creating a new output view.

  • Data Security  

The two major solution in terms of security is that the customer can fill online form or the information can be submitted on premises along with the confidentiality of doctor-patient.

Thus, with the help of OpenCampus system, a steady environment was provided to the research center and the people working in it alongside with database design and pattern design. 


OpenCampus is not only that software which is used for the small clerical task, but it is also beyond that as it offers three-way interactive platform for students, teachers, and parents. It not only saves the time of the administrative staff and their pupils, but it also allows them to pay fees online and makes them attentive about important information around the university. 

Opensense Labs believes that the contemporary system of education will spread a new level of superiority in the education sector. Ping us at to know more about OpenSource campus management. The services provided by our organization would help you solve all your queries.

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