

Jacob Rockowitz: How are the Webform module’s Open Collective funds being spent?

My last blog post thanked the collective’s individual backers and supporting organizations for their financial support. Now I would like to break down how the collected funds were spent to tag the Webform module’s latest release.

Tracking my time

To provide the most value to backers, I opted to track my time in five-minute increments in the hopes that the amount of work that goes into maintaining the Webform module can be better understood. Tracking these smaller increments also shows how solving a problem or providing support is a multistep process, which begins with triaging issues.

Triaging issues

Triaging the Webform module’s issue queue has proven to be one of the most challenging tasks related to maintaining the Webform module. I have struggled with wrangling the issue queue, nudging people in the right direction, and now I am finally putting my foot down when I feel people are taking advantage of open source. Admittedly, I was getting burned out when dealing with people who did not appreciate the value of my open source work. Fortunately, I see now that many people value my open source work, and they want to see me compensated for my time.

The overall challenge to wrangling the Webform module’s issue queue is that everyone has different levels of experience in Drupal. Organizations are trying to build unique and complex digital experiences. If you combine this with the fact that we are an international community, the result is that issue…Read More

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